IWSG & Blogging News
9 months ago
If you're a writer and you tweet, chances are, you've already seen the hilarious and informative hashtag #BadQueryingTips trending on Twitter. Basically, it's a what-not-to-do sort of guide for querying writers.
A few gems...
#BadQueryTips Always include attachments. The agents are sure to open them.
— Lynn(e) Schmidt (@LynneSchmidt) June 25, 2012
Once you've queried, call the agent every day to check up on your submission. Shows dedication. We LOVE that. #BadQueryingTips
— Julia A. Weber(@jawlitagent) June 25, 2012
Mention how much your mom loves your book and how she thinks you're better than that woman who wrote about vampires. #BadQueryingTips
— Rebekah Crane (@RebekahCrane) June 25, 2012
Try to use a different synonym for "said" every time someone talks. It will show people that you know lots of words. #badwritingtips
— Leigh Ann Kopans (@LeighAnnKopans) June 23, 2012
Show AND tell. Your reader is simple minded. #BadWritingTips
— Julie Murphy (@andimjulie) June 23, 2012
Use the word "just" as much as possible. And "suddenly." #BadWritingTips
— Megan Whitmer (@MeganWhitmer) June 23, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
bad querying tips,
bad writing tips,
Writing Oopsies
Haha - I'll check out those hashtags.
LOL. How about do the OPPOSITE of their submission guidelines?
Amusing stuff - must keep an eye on that hashtag.
Suddenly...I'm laughing out loud! :)
Wow, I'm behind the times! I din't see these, too funny. As for #badqueryingtips I would say to be sure to put in lots of rhetorical questions. They really get the mind going. :)
LOL. Those are just awesome. :)
Love those - adding those hashtags to tweetdeck!
I have seen these. They've been keeping me laughing the past few days.
Well, shoot. I do a couple of those things. Now I feel almost as simple-minded as my readers...
Lol. I just couldn't stop laughing. Calling up the agent everyday is a super idea ;)
I needed a good laugh today! I especially like the one about using as many synonyms as possible for the word, "said."
Okay, some of these hurt :)!
Too funny!
Hey, how about if your query gets rejected, just rename the characters and send it back to a different agent at the same agency!
I haven't seen this on Twitter yet. Funny. :)
You put up one of my tweets! I feel honored!!!! :):):):):):)
pfft...these are awesome!!
I bet you're so glad your baby didn't put in an appearance yet. Yes, this one sounds like a keeper! lol
Wishing you all the best!
I laughed SO HARD at "Show AND tell. Your reader is simple minded." --@andimjulie hahahahahahaha!
Awesome story! It's been a while since I last visited, but I'm glad I rediscovered your blog. Keep up the awesomeness! :)
This is so funny. I missed this hashtag.
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