IWSG & Blogging News
10 months ago
I think I'm all mixed up this week because of NaNoWriMo. So I won't attempt a long post, but would like to say HELLO! to all of you, brilliant, talented people! ;) And I wanted to leave you with this:
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Keep up the great writing! The light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train coming!
Haha! Thanks, Kittie! ;)
I have gone into a weird fugue zone. Word count is good sometimes but other days, wretched! Too many distractions. This is an impossible task when one has a full-time job and three children. AUGH!
It's going badly, but it will get better this weekend, even if I have to sellotape myself to my chair.
You should be so proud of yourself! It takes a lot of determination and discipline to do what you're doing. What an accomplishment ;o)
I am not doing NaNo. My writing s going slow, but I am brainstorming a lot. How is your NaNo going?
Nano has been an epic fail...that is until yesterday. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I hope to stay on that today too. Loved the parody!
Keep on writing! *cheers* I KNOW you're working on MG magic ;)
You're not thinking of us while sleeping? I am so offended!
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