
Just Brilliant!

First off, my short story entry won A.M. Supinger's underwater fiction contest!  The prize: BOOKS! So I'm very excited. ;D YAY! A.M. posted my story on her blog so if you want to read about Melusines, head on over there!  

I'm so close to finishing the first draft of my WIP Hidden. I've been feeling nostalgic writing the end chapters. There's relief and at the same time, a sort of bittersweet moment where I'm thinking, My word, it's over...well, until editing comes around and I have to chop up this baby to pieces. But for now, I'm going to enjoy its wholeness. So thank you for the encouraging words and for staying with me even though I've been a bad blogger lately.

And to add to my good news, Angel of Mermaid Vision Books passed me the Brilliant Blogger Award. She's such a sweetie! Her blog has book reviews and general discussions about TV shows and movies. So if you're looking for a book to read, head on over there and peruse her selections.

Thanks, Angel!

The rules for this award are:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated me.
2. Share seven random facts about myself. 
3. Pass the award along to 5 newfound blogging buddies
4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them.

Sounds familiar? Yep, I think I've got these rules tattoed on the inside of my skull since my first blog award. Ha! :D Instead of doing the 7 random things since I'm out of 7 new random things about myself, I give you random writerly advice that may or may not be based on my own writing experience. :D

~ Feed your brain. I mean, literally. Do not write while hungry or else your prose will suddenly find itself chock-full of metaphors with FOOD in it.

Her wet, limp hair reminded him of overly cooked spaghetti strands.

~If you write horror, don't write in your basement alone. Or way into the night. Even if you have all of the lights on, you eventually have to turn them off when you retire for the night. Those stairs look daunting now, don't they? 

~When a writer says, "I'm cutting today" it doesn't mean they're cutting themselves. Don't be alarmed.

~It's okay to scream and yell and shimmy when your short story gets accepted for publication, or when you get an agent request. Even if your kids are staring at you as if you've sprouted horns on top of your head and have gone over to the "dark side".

File:Darthmaul l.jpg

~If you have a young kid, stock up on their favorite DVDs/movies/TV shows. Trust me, it's how I get my writing done. Don't forget to have a drink and a snack within your reach so at the first "Mommy!" wail, you have ammunition at your fingertips.
Toy Story

~Yes, the laundry can wait. But just know, if you leave wet clothes in the washer, they are going to STINK.

~And lastly, write with your heart.

I'm passing on this blog award to the following bloggers because I know they are BRILLIANT!

1. Anita Howard
2. Lydia Kang
3. Sarah Fine
4. Sarah Pearson
5. Angela V. Cook
6. Lori M. Lee
7. Julie Fedderson
8. Barbara Kloss
9. Erin Summerill
10. Tara Tyler
11. Jessie Humphries
12. Rachna Chhabria
13. Jami Gold
14. Shelly Brown
15. Mindy McGinnis

I know I went over 5, but hey, I'd tag you all if I had the time. <3 Love you, guys!

Have a great day!


Sarah Tokeley said...

Congratulations on your award, and thank you for thinking of me. That's some mighty fine advice you have there :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! That is incredible news. I have to head over and check out your story.

i'm erin. said...

OH wow! I can't believe you mentioned me. I feel so so so happy I might burst or pee. I've never gotten an award. Hooray!

Lori M. Lee said...

I tend to scream in my head and then do fist pumps (those do earn me strange looks) when I get good news lol. Thanks so much for the award, Cherie!

Jessie Humphries said...

Wow you are an award whore! I mean that in the best way possible. Everyone loves you. ANd I love you more...thanks girl.

Jennie Bennett said...

I so love your advice! Congrats on the award :)

Sarah said...

Hey, thanks! Congrats on the award and I appreciate the mention!

Mandie Baxter said...

Awesome! Congrats! :)

Jami Gold said...

Thanks for the shout out. I appreciate it! :)

julie fedderson said...

Aw, you are too sweet! Thank you so much for the Blog Lovin'. And I read your story--absolutely a winner!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who owns stock in Pixar to keep the kids busy!

Lydia Kang said...

Thanks Cherie! You are a sweetie!

I love your writerly advice. Wise word, for sure!

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

Don't write horror in the basement. Got it!
But what if it's a really hot day and the AC is out...
Wait! Don't write horror in the basement.
I just have to repeat it until I've got it.

Angela V. Cook said...

Aww . . . I'm feelin' the love :o) Thank you for the award :o)

O.M.G. I loved the don't-write-when-you're-hungry rule! You (literally) had me LOL when I read "Her wet, limp hair reminded him of overly cooked spaghetti strands." Too funny . . .

Thanks again, Cherie :o)

Anita Grace Howard said...

Aww. Thanks my sweet sparkly goatling! :) LOL on the laundry thing. I've actually done that before and had to rewash. A waste of water and time. Gar. ;)

Tara Tyler said...

i was just reading your advice filled facts and noticed you shared this w/ me too! thanks! i dont have this one yet =)

Tara Tyler said...

ps, CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on your WIN!

Cat Woods said...

Congrats on your win and your award. Also, thanks for the super fun writing tips! Loved the fresh twist on the award ceremony.

Cheryl B. Dale said...

That's just wonderful! Congrats on your story award!

Precy Larkins said...

Thank you, guys! <3

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congrats on winning the short story prize, Cherie. Books are the best prizes ever.

I am honoured that you passed the Blog Award to me. Thanks and Hugs.

Finishing the first draft is indeed a great feeling.

Caitlin Vincent said...

Congratulations on your short story and your new award, lass! You deserve them :) I love your writing-horror and hungry-brain advice.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award and winning books for your short story. :)

Have a great weekend.

BBC said...

Hey! Thanks for the award - you rock!

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Winter's Regret: What Might Have Been Winter's Regret: What Might Have Been
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Whispering Minds
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Night of Cake & Puppets
The Fault in Our Stars
The Return of the King
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The Last Olympian
The Hundred: Fall of the Wents
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The Hunger Games
The Founders' Code
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Two Towers
The Book Thief
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Lost Hero
The Battle of the Labyrinth

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